Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Malay Films

PHSM 2 is out in the cinemas now. However, I have a feeling that this film will be another let down like most malay films in the market today. I still can't figure out what's the big deal about the first PHSM? The media (malay stream medias that is) were all raving on how good the film is and like a sucker I got caught up in the excitement to go and catch the film. But when I saw it I was like "What the...???"

In my humble opinion, I sincerely thought that the film was crap. I didn't understand the story line, I thought that some of the actors couldn't act to save their lives, the script was terrible and the editing was even worse...and the list goes on and on and on...

During my university days, I took a subject on malay films. We were to complete a term paper on reviews of films by local producers/directors. I had chosen Shuhaimi Baba films for my review. Among her films that I had chosen was Ringgit Kashorgga and Mimpi Moon. I literally had to stick needles in my arms to keep me awake and after watching those films several times (yes, I felt like killing myself everytime I finished watching one film), I came to the conclusion that it was absolutely and utterly crap, crap, crap. Not only was those movies extremely bad, I couldn't even figure out any social or moral message (if it had any for that matter) of the film.

If I was to compare today's local film with those by P.ramlee back in the olden days...although the stunts and special effect may seem lame and unrealistic (well, when you think about it, there isn't much to compare these days either) at least all of his film had some social values to present to its audiences. I marvel at P.Ramless's creativity in managing to implant social messages in all his films regardless of the genre. No wonder that this brilliant man almost everytime had won an award or awards in the Asian Pacific Film Festival throughout the 50's and 60's. He was a valuable asset not only to the Shaw Brothers but for all of Malaya as well.

These days, I'm even ashamed to admit to the world that I watch malay films because I do not want to be seen as a mindless imbecile. Local Film producers and artistes keeps ranting on and on for us to support our local film industry. How the heck do they expect us to do so when they continously cheat us with their mediocre effort in producing so called 'outstanding films'? Don't they realize that that we hold the buying power and we have many alternatives to what they offer. It's not that I'm saying they have to come out with big budgeted films in order to compete...what I'm saying is come up with a decent movie that would appeal to ALL malaysians. Something that would give an impact and value to ourselves. Not the predictable boy meets girl, conflict, conflict, conflict, boy wins girl plot.

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