Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Dawning of Little Boys.

Seems like the year 2006 will be starting off with an abundance of people giving birth to baby boys. Almost everyone I know who is pregnant so far seems to be carrying baby boys in their tummy.

Some people, like moi, am truly happy with the news. Probably because I already have a girl and with the birth of a boy, I can now decide if I want to continue to procreate or actually cease production. If I was carrying a girl, the option wouldn't be mine because in the back of my mind, I would always feel guilty for not giving or try to give hubby a little boy of his own.

However, at the same time, I do know some mommies-to-be whom are rather disappointed about the news of their impending little boy. But perhaps its their hormones...I'm sure after getting used to the idea , they'd be as exited as ever and carry on with the exciting tasks of shopping for the new baby.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was shock at first because Sarah had just stopped bf completely for about a month. I thought that I could finally try to get rid of that extra 5kg that doesn't seem to wanna shed from my body so I could look like my former self once again. Just as I thought I was beginning to lose weigh...came the big blow. I'm pregnant again!

SIL snickered at the news of my pregnancy and as she had recently shed 14kg, was flaunting the fact that now she'd be the skinny one. Aaargh! I felt like wringing her neck but I could do nothing but laugh it off.

Now 6 month into my pregnancy, she has just found out that she's pregnant with her fourth! Haha! It's now time for me to laugh. Her morning sickness is quite bad but I can't help in turn to gloat with pleasure...The lesson here is, 'JANGAN BERLAGAK!'

She's mentally breaking down cause she is petrified that it'll be a boy...and she has already got 2 boys who I must admit are quite the little monstrosity. They are definitely beyond control and considering that I do feel a tiny bit sorry for her. Everytimes she sees me now, she keeps saying that I'm contagious and so bad of me for spreading my pregnancy bug onto her...sigh... as if I have human sperm pollens that fly about and fertilize women's eggs...get real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linda, I totally agree with you bout dawning of lil boys coz most of the ppl I know also either give birth or pregnant with a bb boy!our boys gonna hav a tough time getting a gf lah!!:)

talk about getting in shape..sigh!:( tat day my inconsidered ex-colleague say I'm 'out' of shape!!grrhh...I almost wallop him there n then!